Analyzing performance data

While executing jobs and projects, Sybase IQ ETL collects performance relevant data and stores it in a repository table.

StepsCollecting performance data

  1. To collect and store performance relevant data to a repository, select File | Preferences | Performance Logging.

  2. From the Logging Level list, select 1.

StepsViewing performance data

  1. Viewing performace data overview of a selected project or job

    Right-click a project or job in the Navigator and select Performance Data. Alternatively, open the project, right-click anywhere in the Design window, and select Performance Data.

    The Performance Data window appears displaying the execution details for the selected project or job under an Overview tab. By default, the performance data of executions performed within the last month are displayed. To change the range of execution dates that are displayed, change the values of the Execution Date Range on the toolbar.

    NoteYou can view performance data of only one project or job at a time.

    To remove performance data of any execution, select the specific row and click the “Delete selected performance log entries” icon on the toolbar. Alternatively, press Ctrl+D.

    WARNING! This will permanently remove the selected execution performance data from the performance log. This data cannot be recovered after deletion.

  2. Viewing project performance data

    To view project performance details, select a row in the Overview tab and click the “Drill down in performance data” icon on the toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the selected row or the corresponding bar in the chart displayed. A new tab appears displaying details, such as component name, duration, records read, and records written.

    To view performance details for a selected component, select a row in the tab displaying the componet details, and click the “Drill down in performance data” icon on the toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the selected row or the corresponding bar in the chart displayed. The component performance details such as, event name, duration, records read, and records written are displayed.

    NoteYou cannot view the details of the Load Project component. This component represents the time it takes the engine to load the project before execution.

    To go back to the higher level of performance details, click the “Drill up in performance data” icon on the toolbar. To go back to the Overview tab, click the “Return to performance data overview” icon on the toolbar, or select Navigation | Return to overview.

  3. Viewing job performance data

    To view job performance details, select a row in the Overview tab and click the “Drill down in performance data” icon on the toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the selected row or the corresponding bar in the chart displayed. A new tab appears displaying details, such as project name, duration, records read, and records written.

    To view performance details for a selected project, select a row, and click the “Drill down in performance data” icon on the toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the selected row or the corresponding bar in the chart displayed. The project performance details such as, component name, duration, records read, and records written are displayed.

    NoteYou cannot view the details of the Load Project component. This component represents the time it takes the engine to load the project before execution.

    To go back to the higher level of performance details, click the “Drill up in performance data” icon on the toolbar. To go back to the Overview tab, click the Return to performance data overview icon on the toolbar, or select Navigation | Return to overview.

NoteTo find the selected component in a project, select Tools | Show component. Alternatively, click the Show selected component icon on the toolbar.

Resetting performance data queries – The performance data queries are stored in the system registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\sybase\sybetl\. If you experience errors while using Performance Data, you need to reset these queries to their default values. To reset the modified queries to the default value at any point, delete the Performance Data Query keys in the registry, and restart the application.

WARNING! Do not to change the queries unless absolutely necessary.

StepsSearching for performance data

  1. Select any row in the performance data table.

  2. Press Ctrl+F to open the search window. Enter your search criteria in the Find field.

    The searched data is highlighted in the table.

StepsPrinting performance data

  1. Select Tools | Generate Report.

  2. Select the level of details that you want to print and choose the destination file. The available options are:

    • Overview

    • Job Performance (displayed only when printing performance data reports for jobs)

    • Project Performance

    • Component Performance

  3. Enter a destination file path for the generated report, or accept the default value.

  4. To limit the report data to the executions selected in the Overview tab, select the Only selected executions checkbox.

    NoteThe Only selected executions checkbox appears disabled if you do not select an execution in the Overview tab.

  5. Click Generate. On successful generation of the report, a message displays. Click Yes to view the performance data report.

The report displays both tabular as well as graphical data. It includes a table of contents that provides links to corresponding sections within the report. Each report can include the following sections, depending on the level of details you have selected to print:

The Performance Overview section displays the duration of each project or job execution. The Project, Component, and the Job performance sections display a table and a chart of performance data for the selected execution, each showing a different level of data granularity.