Chapter 3: Projects and Jobs

Managing projects

Projects consists of components and links, which connect components through their ports. There are basic operations that involve projects, such as, creating, deleting, renaming, saving, and there are complex operations like simulation.

A Sybase IQ ETL project starts with one or multiple source components and ends with one or more destination components.

These are the Sybase IQ ETL components:

StepsCreating a project

  1. In the Navigator, right-click Projects and select New | Project. Alternatively, select New | Project from the File menu.

  2. Drag the components for the project from the Component Store onto the Design window.

StepsModifying a project

  1. In the Navigator, double-click the project you want to modify.

  2. Make the changes and save the project.

StepsUnlocking a project

A project locked by another user client opens in read-only mode.

  1. To make the project available for reading or writing, click Unlock and Open on the window that appears when you open a locked project.

StepsCopying a project

  1. Double-click the project you want to copy to open it in the Design window.

  2. In the Navigator, right-click the project and select Save As. Alternatively, select Save As from the File menu.

    If you are working with multiple repositories, select the target repository.

  3. Enter a name for the new project. A copy of an existing project gets created, leaving the original untouched, storing no reference to the originating project.

StepsTransferring a project

If you are using multiple repositories, you can copy complete projects from one repository to another, maintaining references to the originating project. For example, you may want to move a project from a development repository to a test or production repository. By storing the references to its origin, the transfer recognizes the project the next time it is initiated and selectively replaces everything related to the incoming object.

  1. In the Navigator, right-click the project you want to transfer and select Transfer. Alternatively, select Transfer from the File menu.

  2. Select the repository where you want the project to be transferred.

NoteTransfer copies project definitions and execution properties. Related data, such as, parameter sets are not transferred.

StepsDeleting a project

  1. In the Navigator, right-click the project, and select Delete.

  2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

StepsRenaming a project

  1. In the Navigator, right-click the project, and select Rename.

  2. Enter a new name for the project and click OK.

StepsResetting execution properties

To reset loading options for incremental load:

  1. In the Navigator, right-click the project, and select Reset Execution Properties.

  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to reset execution properties. The current value of the Load Index Value (DB Index Load component) is reset.