IQ Loader DB via Insert Location properties list

IQ Loader DB via Insert Location properties list identifies the connection parameters and other items you need to define on the IQ Loader DB via Insert Location component window.

Required properties



IQ Host Name

Specify the host where the Sybase IQ target is running.

IQ User

Specify an authorized IQ user to protect the database against unauthorized access.

IQ Password

Specify a password to protect the database against unauthorized access.

Source Host Name

Specify the data source.

Source Transfer List

Specify the schema qualified source table name and the target table name. In the target truncate column, specify 1 if you want the target table to be truncated, or else 0.

Optional properties



IQ Database

Specify the IQ destination database

IQ Schema

Specify the IQ schema/owner to restrict the objects displayed and create new tables in that schema.

IQ Pre-processing SQL

Click the IQ Pre-processing SQL icon to create a query that runs during component initialization.

Queries can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).

IQ Post-processing SQL

Click the IQ Post-processing SQL icon to create a query that runs after all components execute.

Queries can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).

Use Remote Definition

Select this option only if you have defined the source server as your remote server on the destination IQ database using the Create Server command. If you do not select this option, you are directly connected to the source data using the configuration information provided in the .INI or interfaces file.

Source Database

Specify the source database.

Source Schema

Specify the schema/owner to restrict the objects displayed.

Source Pre-processing SQL

Click the Source Pre-processing SQL icon to create a query that runs during component initialization.

Queries can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).

Source Post-processing SQL

Click the Source Post-processing SQL icon to create a query that runs after all components execute.

Queries can include one or more SQL statements. If you use multiple statements, separate them with a semicolon (;).

Create Target Tables

Select the option to create the destination tables if they do not exist.

Continue on Error

Select the option to continue execution even if an error occurs when loading data into the database.

Limit Rows

Specify the maximum number of rows you want to insert into the table. The default is 0 for no limit.

Skip Rows

Specify the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the input table(s) for a load. The default is 0.

Encrypted Password

Select the option if you want the password to be transmitted in encrypted format.

Network Packet Size

Specify the network packet size

Load Script

The Insert Location statements are generated on runtime based on the component settings, if this property is empty.To use a customized script, right-click the component, and select Generate Load Script. After you generate the script, you can click Load Script and edit the script.