When a simulation is initially started, the component that will be executed with the first step is being indicated with a green-dotted box.
When stepping through the project without modifications, the box moves from component to component, eventually reaching the Data Sinks. Only the Data Sink components will not cause a movement of the box, if they are stepped. Instead of moving the active box, they will display successful or failure icons.
When moving from component to component the dotted box is highlighting the respective component as current.
You can select a different component than the current component to inspect or change its properties in the Property section. The selected component is indicated by the green box.
The following example shows the Data Calculator as being current and the DB Lookup Dynamic as being selected.
Figure 4-1: Example of current and selected components
The current component is the component that will be executed next when selecting the Step button in the toolbar (or Run | Step). If you want to inspect or change a component during the simulation process that is different from the current component, then click it. The green box highlights the selected component. You can resume the simulation after a component property changes either from the selected or the current component.
To resume simulation from the selected component, select Step from the pop-up menu. To resume simulation from the current component, select Step from the toolbar.
Selecting Step from the pop-up menu for a component
that has not been processed yet forces all previous components to
be stepped first.