Managing port attributes

The Structure Viewer is available at the port of a component. You can add and delete port attributes, or modify the settings or existing attributes.

To open the Structure Viewer, right-click the port and select Edit Structure from the pop-up menu.

StepsTo add an attribute to the port structure

  1. Click the line number you want the attribute to be inserted. The current and following attributes will be shifted downward.

  2. Click Add Attribute, or select Actions | Add.

  3. Enter a name for the attribute. The names for port attributes must start with an alpha character and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).

  4. Enter a datatype.

  5. Enter a size.

  6. Enter additional specifications.

  7. To delete an attribute from the current port structure, select an attribute line number and click Delete, or select Actions | Remove.

Modifying datatypes

When you modify datatypes of a record structure, you are modifying the internal logical representation that Sybase IQ ETL uses for the record structure during your transformation. This is not going to change the data structure definition of the source or destination tables. You have to make sure that the data structure of the final Data Sink is compatible with the content you are generating. If you are using the Standardize Data Format option, make sure that the datatype you are assigning to the port attribute matches the type of your target attribute.