Applying component variables

You can add component variables to property items. Component variables let you apply parameters to components. Those parameters can be referenced inside user-defined procedures.

Adding a component variable

StepsTo add a component variable

  1. Right-click in the Properties section to open a pop-up menu.

  2. Select Add.

  3. Enter a name for the variable (for example, MyParameter). Inside the component, use the following notation to reference the variable: REF.MyParameter

  4. Enter a prompt and a description.

Editing a component variable

StepsTo edit a component variable

  1. Click the line containing the variable.

  2. Right-click in the Properties section to open a pop-up menu.

  3. Select Edit and enter the new settings.

Removing a component variable

StepsTo remove a component variable

  1. Click the line containing the variable.

  2. Right-click in the Properties section to open a pop-up menu.

  3. Select Remove.

Allowing dynamic expressions

Select the Evaluate option if you want to allow evaluation of dynamic, indirect expressions (SBN expressions). Enter an SBN expression in the corresponding field using the square bracket notation [ ]. The Evaluate option lets you compute and evaluate dynamic property settings at runtime instead of assigning static values at design time.

Some property items are pre-selected as Eval. Check boxes indicate the current settings.

StepsTo enable or to disable evaluation for a property

  1. Right-click the property that you want to evaluate at runtime.

  2. Select Evaluate to enable or disable evaluation.

Encrypting properties

Project and job data, as well as property values, are stored in the Sybase IQ ETL repository. Most of the records in the Sybase IQ ETL repository are not encrypted but are represented in a readable XML format.

StepsTo encrypt property values

  1. Right-click a property value.

  2. Click Encrypt.

Refer to Chapter 6, “Components,” to find out about component specific property settings.