Navigating and browsing the repositories

In the Navigator, the hierarchical tree list represents open repositories, client user sessions to the open repositories, and objects stored in the repository, such as projects, jobs, and templates.

A repository can be opened simultaneously by multiple client user sessions. A client user is part of a client. Both client users and clients are registered when they log on to the repository.

The following example shows the tree structure:

-- <RepositoryName1>
---- <ClientUser1>.<Client1>.<Repository Name1>
------ Projects
-------- Project_1
-------- Project_2
-------- Project_N
------ Jobs
-------- Job_1
-------- Job_2
-------- Job_M
------ Templates
-------- Template_1
-------- Template_L
---- <ClientUser1>.<ClientM>.<Repository Name1>
---- <ClientUserN>.<Client1>.<Repository Name1>
-- <RepositoryName2>