Customizing port conditions

A condition can be assigned to each port. A condition consists of one ore more expressions. Multiple expressions are concatenated by operators. The result of a condition is either TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).

A condition consists of functions and logical operators.

StepsTo modify a port condition

  1. Click the port.

  2. Click the Edit calculation button to open the Condition window.

  3. Enter the condition in the right section of the window. The left area of the window contains two tabs: Variables and Functions. In the Variables tab all variables are listed that may be used in the condition. The Functions tab lists all functions and operators.

To add a port, click the Add button. To remove a port, select the port and click the Remove port button.

Special port conditions

The following are special port conditions:

Current record conditions

When you select a record of the input buffer in the upper part of the Data Splitter window, the ports in the lower half of the window will be updated. If the selected record matches a condition, the port light will turn into green. If the selected report does not match the port, the port will turn into red.

There is no impact on the simulation sequence.