Required properties

Key Attribute

Select a Key Attribute from the list of IN-Port attributes. This attribute corresponds to the first column of the lookup table.

Value Attribute

Select the attribute to receive the value returned by the lookup from the Value attribute list. The lookup value returned will overwrite any existing value.

Both Key Attribute and Value Attribute might refer to the same attribute of the record structure therefore allowing overwriting a key with its corresponding value.

Enter the Connection Parameters as described in “Entering database connection parameters”.


To enter the query for the lookup, open the Query window.

The Lookup table (actually, it is a virtual view) is made of a SELECT query with two columns (the key column and the value column). The key column corresponds with the Key Attribute selected. The value column corresponds with the Value Attribute.

To enter the query, enter a SELECT statement that returns the two-column lookup table:

SELECT <key attribute>, <value attribute>
FROM <lookup table>

You can extend the SELECT command with a WHERE clause or any other valid clause accepted by the underlying database.