Adding component variables to a component

In the Property section, you can add component variables to your component. Component variables can be seen as parameters to the component. Those variables can be accessed in expressions or procedures of the component for further processing. The scope of the variables is local to the component.

StepsTo add a component variable

  1. Right-click the Property section to open the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Add.

  3. Enter the name of the variable. Inside the component, this variable is referenced using the notation REF.<name of variable>.

  4. Enter values for a prompt and a description.

StepsTo edit a component variable

  1. Right-click the component variable in the Property section to open the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Apply any modifications to your current settings.

StepsTo remove a component variable

  1. Right-click the Component variable in the Property section.

  2. Select Remove.