Returns 1 if every parameter is equal to or greater than its predecessor.
number uIsAscending(params, ...)
A list of expressions or values of any datatype.
To check multiple values for an ascending order:
uIsAscending("A", "B", "C") // returns 1 uIsAscending("A", "A", "C") // returns 1 uIsAscending("A", "C", "B") // returns 0 uIsAscending("1", "2", "3") // returns 1 uIsAscending("3", "2", "2") // returns 0 uIsAscending("2004-03-03", "2004-03-05", "2004-03-07") // returns 1 uIsAscending("2004-03-03", "2004-03-07", "2004-03-05") // returns 0
Returns true if the parameter is either “1,” “true,” or “yes.”
number uIsBoolean(params, ...)
A list of expressions or values of any datatype.
To check for a Boolean value:
uIsBoolean("1") // returns 1 uIsBoolean("yes") // returns 1 uIsBoolean("true") // returns 1
Returns 1 if the parameter can be interpreted as a date. If the second parameter is empty, the function attempts to apply one of the following formats:
y-M-D H:N:S.s
y-M-D H:N:S
For details about the format string, refer to the uConvertDate function.
number uIsDate(datestring [, format])
The string to be checked.
The format of the input date.
Omitting the format parameter can slow down the function
execution time.
To check for a valid date value:
uIsDate(“2004-02-29”) // returns 1 uIsDate(“2003-02-29”) // returns 0, because 2003 was not a leap year
Returns 1 if every parameter is equal to or lower than its predecessor.
number uIsDescending(params, ...)
A list of expressions or values of any datatype.
To check multiple values for a decending order:
uIsDescending("C", "B", "A") // returns 1 uIsDescending("C", "C", "A") // returns 1 uIsDescending("A", "C", "B") // returns 0 uIsDescending("3", "2", "1") // returns 1 uIsDescending("3", "2", "3") // returns 0 uIsDescending("2004-03-20", "2004-03-15", "2004-03-07") // returns 1 uIsDescending("2004-03-20", "2004-03-07", "2004-03-15") // returns 0
Returns 1 if the parameter can be interpreted as an integer value.
number uIsInteger(param)
An expression or value to investigate.
uIsInteger (“1”) // returns 1 uIsInteger (“2.34”) // returns 0 uIsInteger (“ABC”) // returns 0
Returns 1 if the parameter can be interpreted as a floating point value.
number ulsFloat (params)
An expression or value to investigate.
uIsFloat(“1”) //returns 1 uIsFloat (“2.34”) //returns 1 uIsFloat (“ABC”) //returns 0
Returns 1 if the parameter is null.
number uIsNull (params)
An expression or value to investigate.
To check for a null value:
uIsNull(“1”) // returns 0 uIsNull(null) // returns 1
Returns 1 if the parameter can be interpreted as a number.
number uIsNumber (params)
An expression or value to investigate.
To check for a numeric value:
uIsNumber("1") // returns 1 uIsNumber("2.34") // returns 1 uIsNumber("ABC") // returns 0
Calculates the logical not from the input expression. This function is only used in conjunction with the uIs-Functions, because the Boolean values returned are not true and false, but are 0 and 1.
number uNot(expression)
A numeric value that should be negated.
uNot(1) // returns 0