Customizing preferences

Use the Preferences window to customize the following groups of settings in the Sybase IQ ETL Development environment:

StepsTo customize preferences

  1. Select File | Preferences. The Preferences window appears.

  2. From the Workbench list, select Appearance and set the following options:

    • Locale to be used for the user interface — select the locale language for your environment. You can select _de (German), _en_US (US English), or _en_GB (UK English). The default is _en_US.

    • Show assistant for creating projects — specify whether to show the The Assistant, which contains information regarding the current state of the open project. The Assistant helps guide you through the process of completing a project. This option is selected by default.

    • Font for displaying source data — select the font that you want to use for displaying source data. This setting is useful when you work with non-western character sets, such as UNICODE character sets. The default font is Tahoma.

    • Create new project on startup — specify whether to automatically start a new project each time you start Sybase IQ ETL. This option is selected by default.

    • Create new GRID projects — Not available.

    • Create automatic link when components are added — specify whether to create a link to an existing component is automatically when dragging a new component onto an empty spot within the project Design section. This option is selected by default.

    • Display qualified transformation objects — specify whether the names of projects and jobs in the Navigator section are displayed, including the owner. This option is not selected by default.

    • Use unique object name — specify whether to enforce unique project and job names on a repository connection. This option is not selected by default.

  3. Select Query Designer and set the following options:

    • Enable delete functionality of database objects — specify whether the Truncate Object command on the right-click pop-up menu can be selected to delete all records of a selected table. This option is not selected by default.

    • Default amount of records to retrieve from Query Designer — specify the number of data records retrieved by the Query Designer. The default is 25.

    • Auto Join Generation — specify whether to automatically create joins based on attribute names of the tables. This option is not selected by default.

    • Use brackets in join generation — specify whether to use brackets when creating joins. This option is selected by default.

  4. Select Engine and set the following options:

    • Defaults to local engine operation — specify whether the UTL engine starts when you start Sybase IQ ETL. This option is selected by default.

    • Engine Monitor update delay (sec) — specify the number of seconds to wait between two updates of the Engine Monitor. The default is five seconds.

  5. Select Grid Engine and set the following options:

    • Grid Engine Server —specify the IP address of the primary GRID engine server.

    • Grid Engine Port — specify the port address of the primary GRID engine server.

    • Grid Default Port — specify the default port address of the primary GRID engine server. The default is 5124.

    • Grid Engine Ping Timeout (sec) — specify the amount of time (in seconds) allowed for accessing the GRID engine before restarting. The default is 60 seconds.

    • Progress Monitor update delay (sec) — specify the number of seconds to wait between two updates of the Progress Monitor for a job execution. The default is five seconds.

  6. Select Performance Log and specify the detail level for logging performance data. The choices are:

    • 0=no log

    • 1=default level

  7. Click Save.

    A message that indicates some of the changes require you to restart Sybase IQ ETL Development is displayed. To restart Sybase IQ ETL Development, click Yes. Click No to continue working. The changes take effect the next time you start Sybase IQ ETL Development.