Configuring ProcessQ calls

ProcessQ.exe can be configured with several parameters. Only -E is required; all other parameters are optional.


Serializes the process calls. The default is parallel execution.

-TP n

Timeout, the number of milliseconds before the RUNNING process will stop. By default, no timeout occurs.

-TL n

Timeout, the number of milliseconds before the LOCKED process will stop. By default, no timeout occurs.


Customized ID for exclusion.

-W n

Window style; see “Controlling the appearance of a new process”.


The working directory for the application.


The executable and its command line parameters. If this value contains spaces, it must be quoted with double quotes.

-P<ExtVar=Value>[,< ExtVar=Value>..,< ExtVar=Value>]

This option allows you to set parameters from the command line that can be used by the job or project during execution. <ExtVar> is an environment variable that you can access in a Sybase IQ ETL object during execution with the uGetEnv() function. Multiple variables are separated by a comma, the full string should be quoted using double quotes. Spaces within a value can be quoted with single quotes. Spaces within the key are not allowed.


o processq -P "HOME=h:\" -E emacs.exe

o processq -W 0 -S -P Port=8080 -E "d:\tod\engine.exe d:\tod\engineman.lbr"

o processq -P "HOME='h:\BS test 1\BS test'; LANG=de" -E transform.exe


All error messages during execution are written into a log file. The name of the file will depend on the module name which raises the error, in this case ProcessQ.log. The path is the current working directory and can be set by the environment variable SOLONDE LOG DIR.




Invalid usage of command line. This also displays the available options.


Error when parsing the command line.


Error setting the environment variable.


No executable given.


Creating mutex failed.


Mutex timed out.


Creating process (running the executable) failed.


Terminating the process failed.