Locations for publish, install, and update

The publish location, specified on the Publish page in the Project painter, determines where the application files are generated or copied to when you publish the application. It can be an HTTP address, an FTP site, or a UNC address.

The install location, specified on the Install/Update page, determines where the end user obtains the initial version of the application. It can be an HTTP address or UNC address, by default the same address as the publish location specified in the wizard, or a CD or DVD. The install location does not need to be the same as the publish location. For example, you can publish the application to an FTP site, but specify that users get the application and updates from a Web site.

The update location, also specified on the Install/Update page, determines where the user obtains updated versions of the application. If the install location is an HTTP address or UNC address, the update location is always the same as the install location. If the application was installed from a CD or DVD, updates must be obtained from an HTTP or UNC address.