There are two packages available on the Prerequisites page: the .NET Framework 2.0 runtime files and the Sybase PowerBuilder .NET Runtime Library. If you look in the BootStrapper\Packages directory, you see two subdirectories, each of which contains a configuration.xml file.
To enable your application to deploy the .NET Framework 2.0 package, you need to copy the .NET Framework 2.0 redistributable package, dotnetfx.exe, to the 0-dotnetfx directory. This file can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site. You also need to edit the configuration.xml file to ensure that the application name and locations specified in the file are correct for your installation. The file uses http://localhost/SampleApp as the source URL for the package.
The Sybase PowerBuilder .NET Runtime package is in the 1-PBRuntime subdirectory. The PBRuntime.msi file installs the same files as the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager (with .NET and all database interfaces and other options selected) into a directory on the target computer, and it installs the same .NET assemblies into the global assembly cache. For more information, see “Installing assemblies in the global assembly cache”.
If you do not require all the files included in the package, you can create your own package. For more information, see “Customizing the Prerequisites page”.
For more information about the Runtime Packager, see the chapter on deployment in Application Techniques.
For more information about editing configuration.xml files, see the tutorial for the dotNetInstaller available on the Code Project Web site.