After you click Finish in the wizard, PowerBuilder creates a .NET Windows Forms project in the target library that you selected and opens the project in the Project painter. The painter displays all the values you entered in the wizard and allows you to modify them. It also displays additional properties that you can set only in the painter.
Tab page |
Properties |
General |
The output path is where the application is deployed in the file system. This is not the same as the location where the application is published if you choose to publish the application as a smart client application. The build type determines whether the project is deployed as a debug build (default selection) or a release build. You use debug builds for debugging purposes. If you select Release, no PDB files are generated. Release builds have better performance, but when you run a release build in the debugger, the debugger does not stop at breakpoints. The rebuild scope determines whether the project build is incremental (default) or full. For information on the rebuild scope, see “Incremental rebuild for .NET application targets”. Clear the Enable DEBUG Symbol check box if you do not want any DEBUG preprocessor statements you have added to your code to be included in your deployed application. This selection does not affect and is not affected by the project’s debug build or release build setting. For more information about using preprocessor statements, see “About conditional compilation”. |
Resource Files |
PowerBuilder .NET Windows Forms do not support PBR files, and they are unable to locate images embedded in PBD files. You can, however, search a PBR file for images required by the application. All resource files must be relative to the path of the .NET Windows Forms target. If the files your application requires are in another directory, copy them into the target’s directory structure and click the Search PBR, Add Files, or Add Directory button again. Clear the check box in the Recursive column for a directory to deploy only the files in the directory, or select it to deploy files in its subdirectories as well. For smart client applications, the Publish Type column indicates whether the file is a static file that should be installed in the Application directory, or application-managed data that should be installed in a Data directory. For more information, see “Resource files and publish type”. |
Library Files |
Use the Library Files tab page to make sure all the PowerBuilder library files (PBLs or PBDs) that contain DataWindow, Query, and Pipeline objects used by the application are deployed with the application. If you select the check box next to the name of a PBL that contains these types of objects, PowerBuilder compiles the selected PBL into a PBD file before deploying it.
If your application uses external functions, use the Add button to include the DLL files in which they reside to the list of files to be deployed. You can also add PowerBuilder runtime files, including pbshr120.dll and pbdwe120.dll (if the project uses DataWindows), on this page, or you can add them on the Prerequisites page. |
Version |
Use the Version tab page to specify information that displays in the generated executable file’s Properties dialog box in Windows Explorer. The company name is used if you publish the application. For more information, see “Publish the application”. |
Post-build |
Use the Post-build tab page to specify a set of commands to be executed after building the application, but before the deployment process starts. A command can be the name of a stand-alone executable file or an operating system command such as copy or move. You can save a separate processing sequence for debug builds and release builds. (You change the build type of a project deployment on the General tab of the Project painter.) |
Security |
Use the Security tab page to generate a manifest file (either external or embedded) and to set the execution level of the application.To meet the certification requirements of the Windows Logo program the application executable must have an embedded manifest that defines the execution level and specifies whether access to the user interface of another window is required. You can also use the Security tab to configure CAS security zones for your applications, minimizing the amount of trust required before application code is run by an end user. For information about manifest file requirements, see “Security requirements”. For information about customized permission settings, see “Security settings” and Appendix A, “Custom Permission Settings.” |
Run |
Use the Run tab page to specify any command line arguments that the application requires, as well as the name of the working directory in which the application starts. |
Sign |
The Assembly group box on the Sign tab page allows you to attach strong name key files to the assemblies that your project generates. You must also use the Sign tab page to attach digital certificates to manifest files that you publish for smart client applications. For more information about strong name key files, see “Strong-named assemblies”. For information about digital certificates, see “Digital certificates”. |