Retrieving information about an event or schedule

Sybase IQ stores information about events, system events, and schedules in the system tables SYSEVENT, SYSEVENTTYPE, and SYSSCHEDULE. When you alter an event using the ALTER EVENT statement, you specify the event name and, optionally, the schedule name. When you trigger an event using the TRIGGER EVENT statement, you specify the event name.

You can list event names by querying the system table SYSEVENT. For example:

SELECT event_id, event_name FROM SYS.SYSEVENT

You can list schedule names by querying the system table SYSSCHEDULE. For example:

SELECT event_id, sched_name FROM SYS.SYSSCHEDULE

Each event has a unique event id. Use the event_id columns of SYSEVENT and SYSSCHEDULE to match the event to the associated schedule.