Connection parameters are passed as connection strings

Connection parameters are passed to the interface library as a connection string. This string consists of a set of parameters, separated by semicolons.

In general, the connection string built up by an application and passed to the interface library does not correspond directly to the way a user enters the information. Instead, a user may fill in a dialog box, or the application may read connection information from an initialization file.

Certain Sybase IQ utilities accept a connection string as the -c command-line option and pass the connection string on to the interface library without change. For example, the following is a typical Collation utility (dbcollat) command line for Windows systems. It should be entered all on one line.

dbcollat -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;dbn=asiqdemo" c:\temp\asiqdemo.col

NoteDBISQL processes the connection string internally. It does not simply pass on the connection parameters to the interface library. Do not use Interactive SQL to test command strings from a command prompt.