Transitions between access modes

The following restrictions apply to transitions between read-write, read-only and relocate modes:

Avoid altering a read-write dbspace may to read-only mode if there are active read-write transactions. After completion of all read-write transactions that were active when the dbspace was read-write, you may alter it to relocate mode and then from relocate to read-only mode.

The server parameter -iqro 1 opens the dbspaces of the writeable main store, i.e. the main store of a single-node or multiplex write server database or the local store of a multiplex query server database, in read-only mode. All read-write commands, including ALTER DBSPACE, require the writeable IQ Main Store be in read-write mode. The -iqro and -r options open the IQ Temporary Store in read-write mode, but the catalog dbspaces in read-only mode.