Restoring from a system-level backup

If you must restore from a system-level backup, you must ensure that database server is shut down, just as it was during the backup. See “Shutting down the database (non-multiplex)” for details. When restoring a multiplex database, you must shut down all the query servers as well as the write server.

Ensuring that all files exist

Before restoring, review the table of contents of the backup to ensure that all files required for IQ are present. The list of files depends on your application. See the discussion of required and optional files in “Backing up the right files”.

In the case of the temporary dbspace files, ensure that files or raw devices are present with the correct filenames (or symbolic links) and lengths. Contents of temporary dbspace files are irrelevant until the database restarts.

Checking ownership and permissions

Ensure that ownership and permission levels do not change during the system-level restore.

Multiplex synchronization

After the system-level restore of a multiplex write server, start the write server and perform a multiplex synchronization to restore and start the query servers. You must then restore any IQ Local dbspaces on query servers. For details about synchronization, see “Synchronizing query servers”.