Permission to execute file administration statements

To provide additional database security, a separate level of security controls creating and dropping databases. The -gu database server command-line option controls who can execute the file administration statements.

There are four levels of permission for the use of file administration statements. These levels are: all, none, DBA, and utility_db. The utility_db level permits only a person able to connect to the utility database to use the file administration statements.

Table 12-5: Permissions for file administration

-gu switch value


Applies to


Anyone can execute file administration statements

Any database including the utility database


No one can execute file administration statements

Any database including the utility database


Only DBA-authority users can execute file administration statements

Any database including the utility database


Only the users who can connect to the utility database can execute file administration statements

Only the utility database


On Sun, HP, Linux, and Windows platforms, to permit only the user knowing the utility database password to connect to the utility database and create or delete databases, start the server at the command line with the following command:

start_asiq -n testsrv -gu utility_db

On AIX, to permit only the user knowing the utility database password to connect to the utility database and create or delete databases, start the server at the command line with the following command:

start_asiq -n testsrv -gu utility_db -iqmt 256

Assuming that the utility database password has been set during installation to ASIQ, the following command starts the Interactive SQL utility as a client application, connects to the server named testsrv, loads the utility database and connects the user.

          dbisql -c "uid=DBA;pwd=ASIQ;dbn=utility_db;eng=testsrv" -jConnect

Executing this statement successfully connects you to the utility database. You are now able to create and delete databases.

NoteThe database name, user ID, and password are case sensitive. Make sure that you specify the same case in the dbisql command and the util_db.ini file.