The title line

The first non-comment line must be of the form:

Collation collation_label (collation_name) (ase_charset) (ase_so_sensitive) (ase_so_insensitive) (java_charset)

Argument descriptions




A required keyword.


The collation label, which appears in the system tables as SYS.SYSCOLLATION.collation_label and SYS.SYSINFO.default_collation. The label must contain no more than 10 characters.


A text description of the collation, usually describing the character set and ordering of the collation.


The Adaptive Server Enterprise name of a character set matching the character set of this collation. This name is used to make character set mappings when server character set translation is enabled (the default).


The name of an Open Client or Adaptive Server Enterprise case sensitive collation matching this collation.


The name of an Open Client or Adaptive Server Enterprise case insensitive collation matching this collation.


The name of a Java character set matching the character set of this collation. This name is used when converting character data between the Java virtual machine and the database.

For example, the 932JPN collation file contains the following collation line, with label 932JPN and name (Code Page 932, Japanese Shift-JIS with Microsoft extensions):

Collation 932JPN (Code Page 932, Japanese Shift-JIS with Microsoft extensions) (cp932) (bin_cp932) (bin_cp932) (SJIS)