Displaying collations

Each time the database server opens an IQ database, it displays the following collation information:

You can also see the collation of your current database by using the dbcollat utility to write the collation into a file:

dbcollat -c "connection-string" filename

For example, you might extract the collation from the asiqdemo database as follows:

dbcollat -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;eng=myhost_asiqdemo" demo_col

You can display the contents of filename from the File menu in dbisql.

To display the version and build number of Adaptive Server Anywhere, use the -v option of dbcollat. For example:

dbcollat -v "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;eng=myhost_asiqdemo"
Adaptive Server Anywhere Collation Utility Version

The preceding output indicates version 9.0.1, build 1925. You can display the same information from dbisql by selecting Help > About.

To see details of any collation that exists on your system, use the -z option of dbcollat. For example, to extract collation 850, you could enter:

dbcollat -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;eng=myhost_asiqdemo" -z 850 demo_col