How IQ uses the IQ UTILITIES command

IQ UTILITIES is the underlying statement that executes whenever you run most IQ system procedures. In most cases, users are unaware that IQ UTILITIES is executing. The only time IQ UTILITIES is issued directly by users is to run the IQ buffer cache monitor.

IQ UTILITIES provides a systematic way to collect and report on information maintained in the IQ system tables. There is no general user interface; you can only use IQ UTILITIES in the ways that existing system procedures do.

System procedures declare local temporary tables in which they store information. They execute IQ UTILITIES to get the information from the system tables and store this information in the local temporary table. The system procedures may simply report the information from the local temporary table or perform additional processing.

In some system procedures, the IQ UTILITIES statement includes a predefined number as one of its arguments. This number performs a specific function, for example, deriving a value from information in the system tables. See Table 8-1 for a list of the numbers used as IQ UTILITIES arguments.