Issuing the CREATE JOIN INDEX statement

To create a join index, issue the CREATE JOIN INDEX statement. Here is a summary of the syntax for this command:

CREATE JOIN INDEX join-index-name FOR join-clause

The parameters of this command are:

[ ( ] join-expression join-type join-expression 
[ ON  search-condition ] [ ) ]
{ table-name | join-clause }
[ ( ] search-expression [ AND  search-expression ] [ ) ]

Example 1: Key join

Here is an example of how you create a join index for the key join between the sales_order table and the customer table. Remember that this is a key join, based on the foreign key ky_so_customer which relates the cust_id column of sales_order to the primary key id of the customer table. You can give the index any name you want. This example names it ky_so_customer_join to identify the foreign key on which the key join relies.

CREATE JOIN INDEX ky_so_customer_join 
FOR customer FULL OUTER JOIN sales_order

Example 2: ON clause join

The next example shows how you could create a join index for the same two tables using an ON clause. You could use this syntax whether or not the foreign key existed.

CREATE JOIN INDEX customer_sales_order_join 
FOR customer FULL OUTER JOIN sales_order
ON customer_id=sales_order.cust_id

Example 3: Natural join

To create a natural join, the joined columns must have the same name. If you created a natural join on the tables in previous examples, you would not get the expected results at all. Instead of joining the id column of customer to the cust_id column of sales_order, the following command would join the dissimilar id columns of the two tables:

CREATE JOIN INDEX customer_sales_order_join 
FOR customer NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN sales_order

A natural join between the id columns of sales_order and sales_order_items makes more sense. In this case, the columns with the same name should contain matching values. The command to create a join index based on a natural join between these two tables is:

CREATE JOIN INDEX sales_order_so_items_join
FOR sales_order NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN sales_order_items