Resolving problems with your DBISQL window on UNIX

The interactive DBISQL utility on UNIX uses character-based windows. These windows rely on line-drawing characters that are part of the ASCII character set, and some other character sets as well. The ability of DBISQL to display these windows correctly depends on the type of terminal you use, and the character set translation your operating system uses. If your windows appear to be drawn with accented characters rather than line-draw characters, you can still use them to enter commands and receive output as described throughout this book.

DBISQL uses function keys for many operations. Some UNIX windowing environments may not support these function keys, unless you make some adjustments.

For help in improving the appearance of DBISQL windows, or if you are unable to use function keys in DBISQL, see Chapter 2, “Using Interactive SQL (dbisql),” in Sybase IQ Utility Guide.