Database tab

Server name Provides a place for you to enter the name of the IQ server.

For more information, see “EngineName connection parameter [ENG]”.

Start line Enter the server that should be started. Only provide a Start Line parameter the database server you are connecting to is not currently running. For example:

C:\Program Files\Sybase\ASIQ-12_7\win32\start_asiq.exe 
-gm 10 -gp 4096 -c 32M 
uid=DBA pwd=SQL

For more information, see “StartLine connection parameter [START]”.

Database name Provides a place for you to enter the name of the Sybase IQ database that you wish to connect to.

For more information, see “DatabaseName connection parameter [DBN]”.

Database file Provides a place for you to enter the full path and name of the Sybase IQ database file on the server machine. You can also click Browse to locate the file. For example:

C:\Program Files\Sybase\ASIQ-12_7\demo\asiqdemo.db

For more information, see “DatabaseFile connection parameter [DBF]”.

Encryption key If your database is strongly encrypted, you must supply the correct encryption key to access any part of the database.

For more information, see “Encryption connection parameter [ENC]”.

Start database automatically Causes the database to start automatically (if it is not already running) when you start a new session. This option is enabled when you supply a database file or start line.

Stop database after last disconnect Causes the automatic shutdown of the server after the last user has disconnected.