Specifying proxy table locations

The AT keyword is used with both CREATE TABLE and CREATE EXISTING TABLE to define the location of an existing object. This location string has four components that are separated by either a period or a semicolon. Semicolons allow filenames and extensions to be used in the database and owner fields.

... AT 'server.database.owner.tablename'


The field server is the name by which the server is known in the current database, as specified in the CREATE SERVER statement. This field is mandatory for all remote data sources.


The meaning of the database field depends on the data source. In some cases this field does not apply and should be left empty. The periods are still required, however.


If the database supports the concept of ownership, the owner field represents the owner name. This field is only required when several owners have tables with the same name.


The field tablename specifies the name of the table. In the case of an Excel spreadsheet, this is the name of the “sheet” in the workbook. If the table name is left empty, the remote table name is assumed to be the same as the local proxy table name. Tables used with Component Integration Services (CIS) cannot have names longer than 30 characters.


The following examples illustrate the use of location strings:


