Using the DSEDIT utility

The Directory Services Editor (DSEDIT) is an Open Client utility that allows you to configure the interfaces file (sql.ini or interfaces). The following sections explain how to use the DSEDIT utility to configure the interfaces file. You must be the owner of the Sybase home directory ($SYBASE on UNIX or %SYBASE% on Windows) in order to run DSEDIT.

Open Client, including the DSEDIT utility, is not installed with the Sybase IQ Network Client. For this reason you can only run DSEDIT where the IQ server is installed.

These sections describe how to use DSEDIT for those tasks required for Sybase IQ. It is not complete documentation for the DSEDIT utility. For more information on DSEDIT, see the Utility Programs book for your platform, included with other Sybase products.