Use fully-qualified names for tables in procedures

If a procedure has references to tables in it, you should always preface the table name with the name of the owner (creator) of the table.

When a procedure refers to a table, it uses the group memberships of the procedure creator to locate tables with no explicit owner name specified. For example, if a procedure created by user_1 references Table_B and does not specify the owner of Table_B, then either Table_B must have been created by user_1 or user_1 must be a member of a group (directly or indirectly) that is the owner of Table_B. If neither condition is met, a table not found message results when the procedure is called.

You can minimize the inconvenience of long fully qualified names by using a correlation name to provide a convenient name to use for the table within a statement. Correlation names are described in “FROM clause” in Chapter 6, “SQL Statements” of the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.