Preparing for the examples

This section describes how to prepare for the examples in the remainder of this appendix.

Sample code

The code fragments in this section are taken from the complete class ASIQ-12_7\Samples\ASA\JavaSQL\manual-examples\, under your installation directory.

StepsInstalling the JDBCExamples class

  1. If you have not already done so, install the JDBCExamples.class file into the sample database. Once connected to the sample database from Interactive SQL, enter the following command in the SQL Statements pane:

    FROM FILE '\\path\ASIQ-12_7\Samples\ASA\JavaSQL\manual-examples\JDBCExamples.class'

    where path is the path to your installation directory.

    You can also install the class using Sybase Central. While connected to the sample database, open the Java Objects folder and double-click Add Java Class or JAR. Then follow the instructions in the wizard.