Integrity rules in the system tables

All the information about integrity checks and rules in a database is held in the following system tables and views:

System table



CHECK constraints are held in the view_def column of SYS.SYSTABLE. For views, the view_def holds the CREATE VIEW command that created the view. You can check whether a particular table is a base table or a view by looking at the table_type column, which is BASE or VIEW.


This view presents the foreign key information from the two tables SYS.SYSFOREIGNKEY and SYS.SYSFKCOL in a more readable format.


This view presents the information from the SYS.SYSCOLUMN table in a more readable format. It includes default settings and primary key information for columns.

For a description of the contents of each system table, see Chapter 9, “System Tables,” in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual. You can use Sybase Central or dbisql to browse these tables and views.