Enterprise root certificates

A deployment of Sybase IQ that involves multiple servers can be improved by assigning each server a unique certificate also signed by a common root certificate. A certificate authority within the enterprise holds the root certificate.

This arrangement has the following advantages:

The security of the system can be improved somewhat by obtaining a globally signed certificate, discussed later, from a commercial certificate authority. In practice, however, this arrangement provides adequate security for many applications.

You can program your clients to verify the values of some certificate fields, as discussed later. In this way, you can ensure that your clients synchronize with particular Sybase IQ servers within your organization.

This setup provides more flexibility than self-signed server certificates. For example, you can add a new server and give it a new certificate. If the new certificate is signed with the same enterprise root certificate, existing clients will automatically trust it. Were you, instead, to give each Sybase IQ server a self-signed certificate, all clients would require a copy of the new public certificate.