Write server failure where some disk resources are lost

“Recovery from loss of a multiplex server” describes the write server failover procedure when all the necessary disk resources can be made available on a new machine. If some of those resources are unavailable after a failure, and you choose not to use the replace write server procedure on page §, use the standard database restore procedures in “Backing up and restoring the multiplex”. To diagnose database startup problems, verify the consistency of databases, and repair databases, see the Sybase IQ Troubleshooting and Recovery Guide.

You may protect your multiplex database using either database or OS-level backups. Certain disk-mirroring schemes available with shared-disk subsystems (such as the Timefinder or SRDF facilities from EMC) provide a very fast OS-level disk backup/restore service.

If restoring the database from IQ-level backups entails moving one or more dbspaces of the shared IQ store to new device(s), you may need to use the RENAME clause of the RESTORE command. You may then have to delete and re-add the query servers to let them access the new device(s).