Specifying a driver for your connection

When you work with a database, all your requests and commands go through a driver to the database itself. Interactive SQL and Sybase Central support two main JDBC drivers: Sybase jConnect, and the iAnywhere JDBC Driver. Both are included with Sybase IQ.

Sybase jConnect is a platform-independent, pure Java, JDBC driver. It is enabled by default for the IQ plug-in to Sybase Central, and as an option on Interactive SQL (Java).

The iAnywhere JDBC Driver is enabled by default on Interactive SQL (Java). It provides JDBC 2.0 support and fully scrollable cursors, which the jConnect 5.5 driver does not.

As you connect to a database in the Connect dialog, you can choose which driver you want to use for the connection, or rely on the default. Both drivers perform well for most users. You may find that one driver or the other works best for you.

For more information on JDBC drivers including required software, see “Choosing a JDBC driver”, “Using the Sybase jConnect JDBC driver”, and “Working with ODBC data sources”.