Creating connection profiles

Connection profiles make it easy to connect to databases automatically when an individual user boots a system, or to connect without typing connection parameters. Because connection profiles include the username and password, they are better suited to individual use than across an entire installation. Sybase Central lets you choose from a list of existing profiles, create, edit, or delete a profile, or select a profile to be used automatically when you start Sybase Central.

StepsCreating a connection profile

  1. From the Sybase Central menu, choose Tools > Connection Profiles or F9.

  2. Click New (Alt+N).

    Shown is the new profile window. At top is a checkbox to create profile that all users can access. Next is a new profile option button that accompanies a plug in drop down list. Next is a copy profile option button that, if selected, shows a list of existing profiles. At the bottom are three command buttons: OK, cancel and help
  3. Type a name for the profile and click OK.

    Shown is the edit connection profile, which has three tabs: Identification, Database and Advanced. The Identification tab is shown as active. The top panel shows two options: supply user ID and password or use integrated login. Beneath the user ID and password option button are two text boxes for user ID and password. The bottom panel has three options for specifying connection: None, ODBC Data Source Name and ODBC Data Source File. The options ODBC Data Source Name and ODBC Data Source File each have a text box with a drop down menu button and a Browse button. OK and Cancel command buttons are at the bottom of the window
  4. On the Identification tab, type the User ID and Password. Do not click OK yet.

  5. On the Database tab, type the Host name and Port number in the Server name field or select a server from the Server Name pulldown.

    Shown is the edit connection profile, which has three tabs: Identification, Database and Advanced. The database tab is shown as active. The top panel has a drop down list for server name and a find command button. There is also a start line drop down menu and a check box to search network for database servers. The bottom panel contains a drop down list for database name and a text box with drop down list for database file, as well as a browse command button. Beneath that is a text box for encryption key and two check boxes to start database automatically and/or stop database after last connect
  6. Click OK.

  7. If you would like Sybase Central to connect to this connection each time you start your computer, click Set Startup (Alt-S) on the Connection Profiles window.

  8. If you choose not to connect automatically on startup, you can now connect from Sybase Central by simply choosing Tools > Connection Profiles and clicking Connect.