Tools for system administration

To help you manage your database, Sybase IQ provides two primary tools:

The Introduction to Sybase IQ explains how to use Sybase Central and DBISQL to perform simple administrative tasks. If you are not already familiar with these tools, you should read about them in the Introduction to Sybase IQ and use the tutorials provided there.

In addition to these tools, Sybase IQ provides a number of stored procedures that perform system management functions. See “Stored procedures” for more information. You can also create your own procedures and batches. You may wish to take advantage of IQ’s event-handling capability to develop your own system management tools. See Chapter 18, “Automating Tasks Using Schedules and Events” for details.

In addition to the stored procedures, Sybase IQ provides a tool to monitor the performance of its buffer caches. This monitor collects statistics on the buffer cache, memory, and I/O functions taking place within Sybase IQ, and stores them in a log file. See Sybase IQ Performance and Tuning Guide for details.

A few administrative tasks, such as selecting a collation, rely on command-line utilities. These utilities are discussed in other chapters of this book, and described in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.