Altering procedures

You can modify an existing procedure using either Sybase Central or Interactive SQL. You must have DBA authority or be the owner of the procedure.

In Sybase Central, you cannot rename an existing procedure directly. Instead, you must create a new procedure with the new name, copy the previous code to it, and then delete the old procedure.

In Interactive SQL, you can use an ALTER PROCEDURE statement to modify an existing procedure. You must include the entire new procedure in this statement (in the same syntax as in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement that created the procedure). You must also reassign user permissions on the procedure.

For information on altering database object properties, see in Introduction to Sybase IQ, Chapter 4, “Managing Databases.”

For information on granting or revoking permissions for procedures, see “Granting permissions on procedures” and “Revoking user permissions”.

StepsAltering the code of a procedure (Sybase Central)

  1. Open the Procedures & Functions folder.

  2. Right-click the desired procedure.

  3. From the popup menu, do one of the following:

    • Choose Open as Watcom-SQL to edit the code in the Watcom-SQL dialect.

    • Choose Open as Transact-SQL to edit the code in the Transact-SQL dialect.

  4. In the Code Editor, edit the procedure's code.

  5. To execute the code in the database, choose File > Save/Execute in Database.

StepsAltering the code of a procedure (SQL)

  1. Connect to the database.

  2. Execute an ALTER PROCEDURE statement. Include the entire new procedure in this statement.

For more information, see “Creating procedures”, and see “ALTER PROCEDURE statement” and “CREATE PROCEDURE statement” in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.