Inspect and modify variables

You can inspect the values of variables in the debugger.

Inspecting local variables

You can inspect the values of local variables in a procedure as you step through the code, to better understand what is happening.

StepsInspecting and modifing the value of a variable

  1. If the Local Variables window is not displayed, choose Window > Local Variables to display it.

    The Local Variables window shows that there are two local variables; the stored procedure itself (which does not have a return value, and so is listed as NULL) and the customer_id passed in to the procedure.

  2. In the Local Variables window, double-click the Value column entry for customer_id, and type in 125 to change the customer ID value used in the query.

  3. In the Source window, press F5 to complete the execution of the query and finish the tutorial.

    The Interactive SQL Results window displays the list of product IDs and quantities for customer 125:







