USING parameter value in the CREATE SERVER statement

The USING parameter in the CREATE SERVER statement takes the form hostname:portnumber [/databasename], where:

For example, to configure an Sybase IQ named testasiq that is located on the machine apple and listening on port number 2638, use:

CLASS 'asajdbc' 
USING 'apple:2638' 

You must issue a separate CREATE SERVER for each Sybase IQ or Adaptive Server Anywhere database that you intend to access. For example, if an Sybase IQ server named testasiq is running on the machine 'banana' and owns three databases (db1, db2, db3), you configure the local Sybase IQ like this:

CREATE SERVER testasiqdb1 
CLASS 'asajdbc'
USING 'banana:2638/db1'
CREATE SERVER testasaiqdb2 
CLASS 'asajdbc'
USING 'banana:2638/db2'
CREATE SERVER testasiqdb2 
CLASS 'asajdbc'
USING 'banana:2638/db3'

If you do not specify a /databasename value, the remote connection uses the remote Sybase IQ or Adaptive Server Anywhere default database. Since this may not be the database you want to connect to, you should always specify a /databasename in the USING clause.