These Adaptive Server Enterprise data types are not supported by Sybase IQ in this version:
nchar, nvarchar
unichar, univarchar
unsigned smallint
long varchar
native Java data types
In Sybase Central, the Table Editor allows you to create
columns with certain datatypes in the SYSTEM dbspace (Catalog Store)
only. Choose the Advanced Table Properties button (fourth from the
left) on the toolbar, then select SYSTEM from the DB Space dropdown
box. The Data Type dropdown will now include datatypes such as TEXT and java.lang.Object.
Selecting SYSTEM also enables Include/Exclude Java Class
Datatypes, the third icon from the right in the Table Editor toolbar.
Choose this icon to add these datatypes to the Data Type dropdown.
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise
data type TEXT, but you can insert data from
an ASE database column of data type TEXT using
the LOCATION syntax of the INSERT statement.