When you create a database, the only tables in it are the system tables, which hold the database schema.
This section describes how to create, alter, and delete tables from a database. The examples can be executed in DBISQL, but the SQL statements are independent of the administration tool you are using.
For multiplex databases, all schema changes to be shared must be done on the write server. Follow these steps:
Back up the database, if desired.
On the write server, execute DDL (Database Definition Language) commands.
Create database objects interactively or with scripts, just as you would with any Sybase IQ database. For complete syntax, see the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.
Create join indexes, as needed, on the write server.
Insert the data. (You may do this now or wait until after the multiplex is synchronized.) Perform the inserts on the write server while the multiplex runs.
If you use Interactive SQL to load tables, be sure to
enter a COMMIT command.
Synchronize all query servers at once or one at a time, as desired. You can continue running queries using the old table schema and old versions, which the write server preserves as long as you need them. The write server continues to run while synchronizing query server(s).
Back up the database if desired.
You may want to create command files containing the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements that define the tables in your database. The command files allow you to re-create the database when necessary. They also let you create tables in a standardized way, which you can copy and revise.