Creating a database with a named collation

The default collation for an IQ database is always ISO_BINENG. You can specify a different collation for each database when you create it.

StepsSpecifying a database collation when creating a database (Sybase Central)

  1. You can use the Create Database wizard in Sybase Central to create a database. The wizard has a Collation Sequence page where you choose a collation from a list.

    Shown is the select default collation sequence window where you can select from a supplied list using an option button or type a user defined collation label in a text box

You can also see the name of your current collation in Sybase Central. Right-click on the database whose collation you need. In the dropdown menu select Properties, and then click the Extended Information tab.

StepsSpecifying a database collation when creating a database (SQL)

  1. List the supplied collation sequences:


    The first column of the list is the collation label, which you supply when creating the database.

    437LATIN1  Code Page 437, Latin 1, Western
    437ESP     Code Page 437, Spanish
    437SVE     Code Page 437, Swedish/Finnish
    819CYR     Code Page 819, Cyrillic
    819DAN     Code Page 819, Danish
  2. Use the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a database. The following statement creates a database with a Greek collation for Windows:

    CREATE DATABASE 'mydb.db'
    IQ SIZE 100
    IQ PATH ''