The code following a statement that causes an error is not executed unless an ON EXCEPTION RESUME clause is included in a procedure definition.
You can use nested compound statements to give you more control over which statements execute following an error and which do not.
Remember to drop both the InnerProc and OuterProc procedures by entering the following commands in the command window before continuing with the tutorial:
The following demonstration procedure illustrates how nested compound statements can be used to control flow. The procedure is based on that used as an example in “Default error handling in procedures”
CREATE PROCEDURE InnerProc() BEGIN DECLARE column_not_found EXCEPTION FOR SQLSTATE VALUE '52003'; MESSAGE 'Hello from InnerProc'; BEGIN SIGNAL column_not_found; MESSAGE 'Line following SIGNAL' EXCEPTION WHEN column_not_found THEN MESSAGE 'Column not found handling'; WHEN OTHERS THEN RESIGNAL; END MESSAGE 'Outer compound statement'; END
The following statement executes the InnerProc procedure:
CALL InnerProc();
The message window of the server or the dbisql Messages pane then displays the following:
Hello from InnerProc
Column not found handling
Outer compound statement
When the SIGNAL statement that causes the
error is encountered, control passes to the exception handler for
the compound statement, and the Column not found
message is printed. Control then passes
back to the outer compound statement and the Outer
compound statement
message is printed.
If an error other than column not found
encountered in the inner compound statement, the exception handler
executes the RESIGNAL statement. The RESIGNAL statement
passes control directly back to the calling environment, and the
remainder of the outer compound statement is not executed.