International aspects of case sensitivity

Sybase IQ is case preserving and case insensitive for identifiers, such as table names and column names. This means that the names are stored in the case in which they are created, but any access to the identifiers is done in a case-insensitive manner.

For example, the names of the system tables are held in upper case (SYSDOMAIN, SYSTABLE, and so on), but access is case insensitive, so that the two following statements are equivalent:

FROM systable

The equivalence of uppercase and lowercase characters is enforced in the collation. There are some collations where particular care may be needed when assuming case insensitivity of identifiers. In particular, Turkish collations have a case-conversion behavior that can cause unexpected and subtle errors. The most common error is that a system object containing a letter i is not found.

For more information on Turkish case behavior, see “Turkish character sets and collations” in the chapter titled “International Languages and Character Sets,” in Adaptive Server Anywhere Database Administration Guide.