Sybase IQ tracks several system events. Each system event provides a hook on which you can hang a set of actions. The database server tracks the events for you, and executes the actions (as defined in the event handler) when needed.
The available system events include the following:
Backup You can use the BackupEnd event type to take actions at the end of a backup.
Connection events When a connection is made (Connect) or when a connection attempt fails (ConnectFailed). You may want to use these events for security purposes.
Free disk space Tracks the available disk space on the device holding the system database file (DBDiskSpace) which is the .db file, the log file (LogDiskSpace), or system temporary file (TempDiskSpace). The disk space event types require are not available on UNIX platforms.
You may want to use disk space events to alert administrators in case of a disk space shortage. Remember, however, that these events do not reflect available disk space for the IQ Store or IQ Temporary Store.
File size The file reaches a specified size. This can be used for the system database file (GrowDB), the transaction log (GrowLog), or the system temporary file space (GrowTemp).
You may want to use file size events to track unusual actions on the database, or monitor bulk operations. Remember, however, that these events do not reflect file sizes for the IQ Store or IQ Temporary Store.
SQL errors When an error is triggered, you can use the RAISERROR event type to take actions.
Idle time The database server has been idle for a specified time. You may want to use this event type to carry out routine maintenance operations at quiet times.