Connecting to other databases from DBISQL

The following procedure shows how to connect to a running database from DBISQL.

StepsConnecting to a database from DBISQL on UNIX

  1. Start the server and the database by typing at a system command prompt:

    start_asiq dbname
  2. Start DBISQL by typing at a system command prompt:

    DBISQL -c "uid=userID;pwd=password" -host hostname -port portnum

    The -c parameter specifies connection parameters. See “Connection parameters” for more about connection parameters.

    For example, to connect to the sample database on remote host fiona, you enter:

    dbisql -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL" -host fiona -port 1870

    You do not need to specify the host and port if you are connecting to a database on your local machine.