The validate option checks the multiplex and notifies you of errors that would prevent some or all servers from starting in multiplex mode. You can run it on any server in the multiplex environment.
This menu option only reports the level of severity of errors found. (You need to check the log file in order to read the errors. See “start_asiq log file”.) The levels of severity are:
0 — no configuration errors
1 — dynamic state is not as expected (e.g., dbremote process not running)
2 — non-fatal configuration error (multiplex operation impaired)
3 — fatal configuration problem (one or more servers may not start)
When a server starts, it writes the following message to its server log if an ERROR or FATAL level problem is detected:
Multiplex environment incorrect for this server Please connect and run procedure sp_iqmpxvalidate for help.
The validate option runs the system procedure sp_iqmpxvalidate, which performs multiple checks on the SQL Remote configuration and on the tables SYS.SYSIQFILE and DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO. For details about these tables, see “SYSIQFILE system table” and “IQ_MPX_INFO system table” in Sybase IQ Reference Manual Chapter 10, “System Tables.”
If called interactively with the calling argument 'Y,' the sp_iqmpxvalidate procedure also returns a full list of the errors it can find.
The possible error messages the sp_iqmpxvalidate procedure can return are:
FATAL: IQ_MPX_INFO and/or IQ_MPX_STATUS table missingFATAL: Missing procedure sp_iqevbegintxn, sp_iqmpxversionfetch, sp_iqmpxpostsyncqueryserver, sp_iqmpxcountdbremote, sp_iqmpxsubscribeuser, sp_iqmpxunsubscribeuser, sp_iqmpxsetpublisher, sp_iqmpxprotectexec, or sp_iqmpxaddremoteusers FATAL: Missing trigger tr_iqmpx_tlv_stat or tr_iqmpx_node_statFATAL: Missing event ev_iqbegintxn or ev_iqopendb
ERROR: rowcounts of DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO and DBA.IQ_MPX_STATUS differ
ERROR: SYS.SYSIQFILE configured for multiplex but DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO is empty
ERROR: Server counts in DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO and SYS.SYSIQFILE differ
ERROR: server_name columns of DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO and DBA.IQ_MPX_STATUS mismatch
ERROR: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO must have exactly one write server
ERROR: Invalid value in column DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.role
ERROR: Invalid value in column DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.role
ERROR: Query server names in DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO and SYS.SYSIQFILE differ
ERROR: Remote user <user> for server <server> is not a valid user
ERROR: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote_user is not the publisher for this server
ERROR: publisher configuration is incorrect
ERROR: IQMP_PUB publication is missing
ERROR: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote_user for the write server has remote privileges
ERROR: REMOTE privileges incorrect for DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote user for some query server
ERROR: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote_user for some active query server is not subscribed to IQMP_PUB
ERROR: REMOTE privileges incorrect for DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote_user for the write server
ERROR: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO.remote_user for the write server is not subscirbed to IQMP_PUB
ERROR: Main dbspace counts for server <server>, write server mismatch in SYS.SYSIQFILE
ERROR: Server <server> has no Temp dbspaces
ERROR: Server <server> has no IQ message file
ERROR: parameter mismatch between servers for shared dbspaces in SYS.SYSIQFILE
ERROR: Write server inn DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO matches query server dbspaces in SYS.SYSIQFILE
WARNING: DBA.IQ_MPX_INFO has write server but no query servers WARNING: Server counts in DBA.IQ_MPX_NFO and SYS.SYSIQFILE differ.
WARNING: Main dbspace counts for server <server>, write server mismatch in SYS.SYSIQFILE [note: warning if indicated server has more dbspaces]
WARNING: current_version < current version in DBA.IQ_MPX_STATUS
WARNING: query server oldest_version > current_version in DBA.IQ_MPX_STATUS
WARNING: SQL Remote (dbremote) is not running on this server
WARNING: catalog_version for query server newer than write server in DBA.IQ_MPX_STATUS