Data Transformation Action Checks

The following ILM model checks are made on data transformation actions (data split, data sort, data merge, data projection, data calculator, generic data action, data join, script execution, data query execution, data aggregation, data filter, data lookup):


Description and Correction

Data transformation action name and code uniqueness

Data transformation action names and codes must be unique in the namespace [model or package].

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Existence of source object

A data transformation action must have at least one data structure source object.

Manual correction: Add any missing source objects in the Data Structure Source Objects tab of the data transformation action.

Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure column

At least one data structure column must be defined in the data transformation action.

Manual correction: Add any missing data structure columns in the Data Structure Columns tab of the data transformation action.

Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure sorted column [data sort only]

A data sort must have at least one sort column defined to sort data.

Manual correction: Add any missing sort columns in the Sort Columns tab of the data sort

Automatic correction: None

Undefined script [script execution and data lookup only]

A script execution/data lookup must have a script defined.

Manual correction: Define any missing script in the Script tab of the script execution/data lookup

Automatic correction: None

Existence of data connection [data query execution only]

A data query execution must be linked to a data connection to insert or update data in the database.

Manual correction: Select a data connection in the Data Connection list in the Script tab of the property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Existence of source expression for data structure columns [data aggregation only]

A data aggregation must have at least one source expression defined to aggregate data.

Manual correction: Add any missing source expressions in the Source expression box in the Data Structure Source Object tab of the data aggregation

Automatic correction: None

Existence of aggregated column [data aggregation only]

A data aggregation must have at least one aggregation column defined to aggregate data.

Manual correction: Add any missing aggregation columns in the Aggregation Columns tab of the data aggregation

Automatic correction: None

Undefined criterion [data filter only]

A data filter must have a criterion defined to filter data

Manual correction: Add any missing criteria in the Criteria tab of the data filter

Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure join [data join only]

A data join must have a data structure defined

Manual correction: Add any missing data structure joins in the Join Columns tab of the data join

Automatic correction: None

Missing occurrences in join sources [data join only]

A data structure join must have two sources defined.

Manual correction: Add any missing sources for a data structure join in the Join Columns tab of the data join

Automatic correction: None

Match data structure column sources [data merge only]

The two data structure column sources of a data merge must be equivalent [same number of data structure columns and same data type ]

Manual correction: Add any missing data structure column in the data merge sources and/or modify the source data type in the data structure column property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: