Data Output Checks

The following ILM model checks are made on data outputs (database output, XML output, flat file output, generic data output):


Description and Correction

Data output name and code uniqueness

Data output names and codes must be unique in the namespace [model or package].

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Existence of data connection

A data output must be linked to a data connection.

Manual correction: Select a data connection in the Data Connection list of the property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Existence of source object

A data output must have at least one data structure source object.

Manual correction: Add any missing source objects in the Data Structure Source Objects tab of the data output.

Automatic correction: None

Existence of data structure column

At least one data structure column must be defined in the data output.

Manual correction: Add any missing data structure columns in the Data Structure Columns tab of the data output.

Automatic correction: None

Existence of target object

A data output must have at least one data structure target object.

Manual correction: Add any missing target objects in the Data Structure Target Objects tab of the data output.

Automatic correction: None

Data structure mismatch

The data type between the data structure column and its source objects must match

Manual correction: Set the same data type for the data structure column and its source objects.

Automatic correction: None

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: